We understand the client’s sales behavior and mechanism. After performing a Swot analysis we learn what to do next and how formal or less formal the contractual package may be. Safety and maintenance of price/fee/royalty collection, delivery control and partner satisfaction are the fundamental grounds for the provisions we draft.
Whether it concerns the subject of the contract we have the expertise & knowledge required for drafting, implementing and updating such contractual tools: transfer of technology, equipment delivery Furiniture Fixture & Equipments, delivery of tin/steel/metal/alloy/frames/ready-made products, supply of raw materials to steel mills, ore & minerals, in/out EC, CISG & UNCITRAL, specialized or showroom retail, in project delivery & sales, supplier-designer co-participation, goods or services, regional or local networks.
Also we can design and implement Structural Contracts, contractual governance or/and specific provisions such as Open Book, NDA, N-CA, solve et repete, hardship, agenting control, step-in/ step-out provisions, prete-nom, star del credere (ducroire), intellectual property provisions, buy-in/buy-out, porte-fort.